cd\ (return home)
cd.. (sprites directory)
A game where you play an evil psychic teen in an Audrey-II-style arrangement, using monsters to scare other teens deeper into a house where an entity will feed on them.
These are the monsters you can summon.
Slightly reworked from the versions I posted on tumblr several years ago where they had something of a "moment."
Name romanizations are my own, maybe not the best.
Birain | Bucky | Diegarn | Doppel | Dullahan |
Geem | Ghost | Goblin | Hedoria | Hoffman |
Holotarky | Honokie | Jiudro | Kigegar | Kobaderi |
Madanite | Martha | Memeki | Meusha | Mikira |
Mori | Nerof | Numeashi | Sesorito | Snakeeye |
Tarelion | Tsunoda | Ugaruda | Uruk | Zegonia |